PPA Agreement Suitable for large government or commercial organisations, local councils, government-backed businesses

Financier owns the system during entire length of agreement

How it works?

  • No up-front cost to install the system
  • Solar client is purchasing only the power generated by the system, at a set price per kilowatt-hour
  • Payments for generated power may be either fixed over PPA term (usually between 10-20 years) or increased at agreed-upon intervals and rates
  • Solar client may sell excess power back to the grid via Feed-in Tariff (FIT) incentives. Even in states with no FIT (such as NSW), users can still save power cost by depending on solar energy during peak rate periods.
  • At the end of contract, three options:
    • Purchase system at fair market value
    • Extend term in five-year increments at negotiated PPA rate
    • Request that system be removed

How you benefit?

  • No upfront capital investment, hence no impact on balance sheet
  • Save on power cost: Purchase electricity at a low, set or an inflation-adjusted rate - insulates your business or government organisation against steadily rising electricity rates from utility companies.
  • Easy budgeting and long-term expense planning
  • Government incentives add to cost efficiency
  • No maintenance obligation; no performance or operational risk
  • End of contract flexibility: purchase system, extend PPA, or have system removed

TestimonialsWhat customers are saying?